Lazy Hydrate, Never Hydrate, Resumable JS
frameworks’ techniques to reduce Total Blocking Time

par Kévin Raynel and Martin Guillier, édition 2023

See the video (fr)

Total Blocking Time is the Core Web Vital metric that weighs the most in your Lighthouse score, with 30% of the final score. Whether you’re curious to understand what’s behind this metric or you’ve already busted your butt trying to optimize it, this talk is for you!

SSR rendering of front-end frameworks like React or Vue can display a pre-built HTML page to optimize the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). However, once this first display step is done, you still have to make the site dynamic: this is the hydration phase. This phase instantiates all the components of the page with their data and all the associated listeners.

How to measure the impact of this phase on the Total Blocking Time? Is hydration the only source of blocking time? How to concretely put into practice the recommendation to lighten the main thread? What is the answer to this heavy hydration phase proposed by the most recent front-end frameworks like Astro or Qwik?

Let’s answer these questions through concrete examples taken from 6 months of support of a high traffic e-commerce site (French top 10), with as a result a 25% improvement of their TBT and 20 points gained on their Lighthouse performance score.

Kévin Raynel

Presented in French by Kévin Raynel Architect, Web Developer, Coach, Theodo

Passionate about performance and scalability, Kevin has been working in web development for over 10 years.

Now an architect and member of Theodo’s tactical team, he advises the group’s clients on their design or optimization needs and assists the teams in the development of public or specialized sites.

Martin Guillier

Presented in French by Martin Guillier Engineering Manager, Theodo

Martin is Engineering Manager and leader of the Performance offer at Theodo. Curious by nature, he is interested in new technologies and the improvements they bring.